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Solutions to develop empathy in your product team
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Great products emerge when the entire team cares about the user
Achieving this is easy and effective
Solutions for companies at different stages of growth
Building a Competency Center
When you need an internal hub for user knowledge
We offer rapid development of an internal research center from scratch, including process creation, hiring, and support until full operational capacity is achieved
Support During Peak Load
For teams that have everything in place but want more
Even with a well-established system, sudden surges in workload can occur, requiring immediate assistance. Whether it's evaluating a new market before entry, handling rapid product growth, or pivoting, we provide the support you need
Subscription to Research Services
For teams without a dedicated researcher
Tailored research, with double quality control and streamlined processes, easily scalable to meet your specific needs
Our services
product research
product research
Market research
Facilitated usability 
Subjective metrics
And 30 more types of research. We’ll help you choose from existing ones or create a custom type specifically for you
Assisting designers in creating great user experience through user feedback
Setting up constant monitoring of user satisfaction and identifying its factors
In-depth interviews
Quantifying user preferences, pains and doubts
Exploring users' lives beyond the product and seeking new niches
Data analysis
Knowledge consolidation
Competitor benchmarking
Highlighting user knowledge existing across teams and making it actionable
Utilizing behavioral analytics to understand product usage patterns
Keeping tabs on competitors' new releases and bringing in the best ideas
Trend watching
Monitoring current reports, articles, and posts to always stay in the wake of innovation
Get in touch with us
61 081, Romania, Bucharest, 6th District, 57 Luliu Maniu street, Bock OD16, Entrance E, 2nd floor, ap. 188
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